Before landing a recurring role in the acclaimed series Total Eclipse and a part on American Horror Story, along with appearing in dozens of short films, Tuisdi Layne trained as a theater actor, playing roles such as Anne in The Diary of Anne Frank, Princess Jasmine in Aladdin, and more.
She is from a small town in Texas and currently resides and works in Los Angeles.




Aeron has been a professional actor, director, instructor, writer and producer in film, television and on stage for more than 35 years. 

Some of his extensive film credits include the cult classic Killer Klowns From Outer Space and Nominated which he also produced and edited and was presented the “Best Actor” award for his performance at the BAF Film Festival in 2010. In television he’s played principle roles on Nash Bridges, Hearts of Fire, Renegade, Midnight Caller, Over My Dead Body, The Evidence, and many more.

John T. Woods



John T. Woods is an award-winning actor originally from Portland, Oregon. He studied Computer Science and Archaeology at Portland State University, and trained as an actor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Based in Los Angeles for the last 20 years, he has continued to work steadily in film and television.

Jonathan Wiggs



Jonathan Wiggs is a Southern California native that has a recurring role on Apple TV’s Mythic Quest. Beyond the years of training and performing in Los Angeles, he also writes and produces films, including the award-winning short, The Invite.